Exoplanet Utilities
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This applet, and the instructions below, are for EXOFASTv1. For any research grade analysis, EXOFASTv2 is strongly recommended.
Online Applets
- barycorrpy -- A pure Python code written by Shubham Kanodia that does time conversion and barycentric velocity corrections
- barycorr.py -- A Python interface written by René Tronsgaard (Aarhus University) that uses the online API for utc2bjd, bjd2utc, and barycorr
- occultquad.py -- Python implementation of exofast_occultquad
- occultquad.f -- Fortran implementation of exofast_occultquad
- occultquad_extern -- IDL wrapper for fortran version of occultquad

HAT-P-3b in true color, created with TRANSITGIF.