from numpy import size,zeros,where,arccos,sqrt,pi,log # Computes Hasting's polynomial approximation for the complete # elliptic integral of the first (ek) and second (kk) kind def ellke(k): m1=1.-k**2 logm1 = log(m1) a1=0.44325141463 a2=0.06260601220 a3=0.04757383546 a4=0.01736506451 b1=0.24998368310 b2=0.09200180037 b3=0.04069697526 b4=0.00526449639 ee1=1.+m1*(a1+m1*(a2+m1*(a3+m1*a4))) ee2=m1*(b1+m1*(b2+m1*(b3+m1*b4)))*(-logm1) ek = ee1+ee2 a0=1.38629436112 a1=0.09666344259 a2=0.03590092383 a3=0.03742563713 a4=0.01451196212 b0=0.5 b1=0.12498593597 b2=0.06880248576 b3=0.03328355346 b4=0.00441787012 ek1=a0+m1*(a1+m1*(a2+m1*(a3+m1*a4))) ek2=(b0+m1*(b1+m1*(b2+m1*(b3+m1*b4))))*logm1 kk = ek1-ek2 return [ek,kk] # Computes the complete elliptical integral of the third kind using # the algorithm of Bulirsch (1965): def ellpic_bulirsch(n,k): kc=sqrt(1.-k**2); p=n+1. if(min(p) < 0.): print 'Negative p' m0=1.; c=1.; p=sqrt(p); d=1./p; e=kc while 1: f = c; c = d/p+c; g = e/p; d = 2.*(f*g+d) p = g + p; g = m0; m0 = kc + m0 if max(abs(1.-kc/g)) > 1.e-8: kc = 2*sqrt(e); e=kc*m0 else: return 0.5*pi*(c*m0+d)/(m0*(m0+p)) # Python translation of IDL code. # This routine computes the lightcurve for occultation of a # quadratically limb-darkened source without microlensing. Please # cite Mandel & Agol (2002) and Eastman et al (2012) if you make use # of this routine in your research. Please report errors or bugs to # def occultquad(z,u1,u2,p0): nz = size(z) lambdad = zeros(nz) etad = zeros(nz) lambdae = zeros(nz) omega=1.-u1/3.-u2/6. ## tolerance for double precision equalities ## special case integrations tol = 1e-14 p = abs(p0) z = where(abs(p-z) < tol,p,z) z = where(abs((p-1)-z) < tol,p-1.,z) z = where(abs((1-p)-z) < tol,1.-p,z) z = where(z < tol,0.,z) x1=(p-z)**2. x2=(p+z)**2. x3=p**2.-z**2. ## trivial case of no planet if p <= 0.: muo1 = zeros(nz) + 1. mu0 = zeros(nz) + 1. return [muo1,mu0] ## Case 1 - the star is unocculted: ## only consider points with z lt 1+p notusedyet = where( z < (1. + p) ) notusedyet = notusedyet[0] if size(notusedyet) == 0: muo1 =1.-((1.-u1-2.*u2)*lambdae+(u1+2.*u2)*(lambdad+2./3.*(p > z))+ \ u2*etad)/omega mu0=1.-lambdae return [muo1,mu0] # Case 11 - the source is completely occulted: if p >= 1.: occulted = where(z[notusedyet] <= p-1.)#,complement=notused2) if size(occulted) != 0: ndxuse = notusedyet[occulted] etad[ndxuse] = 0.5 # corrected typo in paper lambdae[ndxuse] = 1. # lambdad = 0 already notused2 = where(z[notusedyet] > p-1) if size(notused2) == 0: muo1 =1.-((1.-u1-2.*u2)*lambdae+(u1+2.*u2)*(lambdad+2./3.* \ (p > z))+u2*etad)/omega mu0=1.-lambdae return [muo1,mu0] notusedyet = notusedyet[notused2] # Case 2, 7, 8 - ingress/egress (uniform disk only) inegressuni = where((z[notusedyet] >= abs(1.-p)) & (z[notusedyet] < 1.+p)) if size(inegressuni) != 0: ndxuse = notusedyet[inegressuni] tmp = (1.-p**2.+z[ndxuse]**2.)/2./z[ndxuse] tmp = where(tmp > 1.,1.,tmp) tmp = where(tmp < -1.,-1.,tmp) kap1 = arccos(tmp) tmp = (p**2.+z[ndxuse]**2-1.)/2./p/z[ndxuse] tmp = where(tmp > 1.,1.,tmp) tmp = where(tmp < -1.,-1.,tmp) kap0 = arccos(tmp) tmp = 4.*z[ndxuse]**2-(1.+z[ndxuse]**2-p**2)**2 tmp = where(tmp < 0,0,tmp) lambdae[ndxuse] = (p**2*kap0+kap1 - 0.5*sqrt(tmp))/pi # eta_1 etad[ndxuse] = 1./2./pi*(kap1+p**2*(p**2+2.*z[ndxuse]**2)*kap0- \ (1.+5.*p**2+z[ndxuse]**2)/4.*sqrt((1.-x1[ndxuse])*(x2[ndxuse]-1.))) # Case 5, 6, 7 - the edge of planet lies at origin of star ocltor = where(z[notusedyet] == p)#, complement=notused3) t = where(z[notusedyet] == p) if size(ocltor) != 0: ndxuse = notusedyet[ocltor] if p < 0.5: # Case 5 q=2.*p # corrected typo in paper (2k -> 2p) Ek,Kk = ellke(q) # lambda_4 lambdad[ndxuse] = 1./3.+2./9./pi*(4.*(2.*p**2-1.)*Ek+\ (1.-4.*p**2)*Kk) # eta_2 etad[ndxuse] = p**2/2.*(p**2+2.*z[ndxuse]**2) lambdae[ndxuse] = p**2 # uniform disk elif p > 0.5: # Case 7 q=0.5/p # corrected typo in paper (1/2k -> 1/2p) Ek,Kk = ellke(q) # lambda_3 lambdad[ndxuse] = 1./3.+16.*p/9./pi*(2.*p**2-1.)*Ek-\ (32.*p**4-20.*p**2+3.)/9./pi/p*Kk # etad = eta_1 already else: # Case 6 lambdad[ndxuse] = 1./3.-4./pi/9. etad[ndxuse] = 3./32. notused3 = where(z[notusedyet] != p) if size(notused3) == 0: muo1 =1.-((1.-u1-2.*u2)*lambdae+(u1+2.*u2)*\ (lambdad+2./3.*(p > z))+u2*etad)/omega mu0=1.-lambdae return [muo1,mu0] notusedyet = notusedyet[notused3] # Case 2, Case 8 - ingress/egress (with limb darkening) inegress = where( ((z[notusedyet] > 0.5+abs(p-0.5)) & \ (z[notusedyet] < 1.+p)) | \ ( (p > 0.5) & (z[notusedyet] > abs(1.-p)) & \ (z[notusedyet] < p)) )#, complement=notused4) if size(inegress) != 0: ndxuse = notusedyet[inegress] q=sqrt((1.-x1[ndxuse])/(x2[ndxuse]-x1[ndxuse])) Ek,Kk = ellke(q) n=1./x1[ndxuse]-1. # lambda_1: lambdad[ndxuse]=2./9./pi/sqrt(x2[ndxuse]-x1[ndxuse])*\ (((1.-x2[ndxuse])*(2.*x2[ndxuse]+x1[ndxuse]-3.)-\ 3.*x3[ndxuse]*(x2[ndxuse]-2.))*Kk+(x2[ndxuse]-\ x1[ndxuse])*(z[ndxuse]**2+7.*p**2-4.)*Ek-\ 3.*x3[ndxuse]/x1[ndxuse]*ellpic_bulirsch(n,q)) notused4 = where( ( (z[notusedyet] <= 0.5+abs(p-0.5)) | \ (z[notusedyet] >= 1.+p) ) & ( (p <= 0.5) | \ (z[notusedyet] <= abs(1.-p)) | \ (z[notusedyet] >= p) )) if size(notused4) == 0: muo1 =1.-((1.-u1-2.*u2)*lambdae+(u1+2.*u2)*(lambdad+2./3.*\ (p > z))+u2*etad)/omega mu0=1.-lambdae return [muo1,mu0] notusedyet = notusedyet[notused4] # Case 3, 4, 9, 10 - planet completely inside star if p < 1.: inside = where(z[notusedyet] <= (1.-p))#, complement=notused5) if size(inside) != 0: ndxuse = notusedyet[inside] ## eta_2 etad[ndxuse] = p**2/2.*(p**2+2.*z[ndxuse]**2) ## uniform disk lambdae[ndxuse] = p**2 ## Case 4 - edge of planet hits edge of star edge = where(z[ndxuse] == 1.-p)#, complement=notused6) if size(edge[0]) != 0: ## lambda_5 lambdad[ndxuse[edge]] = 2./3./pi*arccos(1.-2.*p)-\ 4./9./pi*sqrt(p*(1.-p))*(3.+2.*p-8.*p**2) if p > 0.5: lambdad[ndxuse[edge]] -= 2./3. notused6 = where(z[ndxuse] != 1.-p) if size(notused6) == 0: muo1 =1.-((1.-u1-2.*u2)*lambdae+(u1+2.*u2)*\ (lambdad+2./3.*(p > z))+u2*etad)/omega mu0=1.-lambdae return [muo1,mu0] ndxuse = ndxuse[notused6[0]] ## Case 10 - origin of planet hits origin of star origin = where(z[ndxuse] == 0)#, complement=notused7) if size(origin) != 0: ## lambda_6 lambdad[ndxuse[origin]] = -2./3.*(1.-p**2)**1.5 notused7 = where(z[ndxuse] != 0) if size(notused7) == 0: muo1 =1.-((1.-u1-2.*u2)*lambdae+(u1+2.*u2)*\ (lambdad+2./3.*(p > z))+u2*etad)/omega mu0=1.-lambdae return [muo1,mu0] ndxuse = ndxuse[notused7[0]] q=sqrt((x2[ndxuse]-x1[ndxuse])/(1.-x1[ndxuse])) n=x2[ndxuse]/x1[ndxuse]-1. Ek,Kk = ellke(q) ## Case 3, Case 9 - anywhere in between ## lambda_2 lambdad[ndxuse] = 2./9./pi/sqrt(1.-x1[ndxuse])*\ ((1.-5.*z[ndxuse]**2+p**2+x3[ndxuse]**2)*Kk+\ (1.-x1[ndxuse])*(z[ndxuse]**2+7.*p**2-4.)*Ek-\ 3.*x3[ndxuse]/x1[ndxuse]*ellpic_bulirsch(n,q)) ## if there are still unused elements, there's a bug in the code ## (please report it) notused5 = where(z[notusedyet] > (1.-p)) if notused5[0] != 0: print "ERROR: the following values of z didn't fit into a case:" return [-1,-1] if p0 > 0: muo1 =1.-((1.-u1-2.*u2)*lambdae+(u1+2.*u2)*(lambdad+2./3.*\ (p > z))+u2*etad)/omega mu0=1.-lambdae else: muo1 =1.+((1.-u1-2.*u2)*lambdae+(u1+2.*u2)*(lambdad+2./3.*\ (p > z))+u2*etad)/omega mu0=1.+lambdae return [muo1,mu0]