Time Utilities
Online Applets
- UTC2BJD -- Convert a UTC to BJD in TDB
- BJD2UTC -- Convert a BJD in TDB to UTC
- HJD2BJD -- Convert an HJD in TT or TDB to BJD in TDB
Source Code
- See the EXOFASTv2 Github Repo
- barycorrpy -- A pure Python code written by Shubham Kanodia that does time conversion and barycentric velocity corrections
- barycorr.py -- A Python interface written by René Tronsgaard (Aarhus University) that uses the online API for utc2bjd, bjd2utc, and barycorr
- get_eph -- generate an ephemeris via telnet to HORIZONS (IDL spawns Expect)
- horizons.exp -- generate an ephemeris via telnet to HORIZONS (Expect)